LCR Pride

LCR Pride Foundation is borne out of the original Liverpool Pride organisation. Its aim is for the Liverpool City Region to become the most LGBTQ+ friendly region in the UK. It wishes to do this by removing the daily barriers that LGBTQ+ people living in and visiting the region face and by creating an inclusive culture where people feel they can fully participate and contribute.

Brief and objectives
The founders of the new organisation wanted to transform the company from a “once a year party” to a charity that campaigned and fundraised via a year-round series of events in order to finance organisations campaigning to tackle homophobic ideas within the City Region.
Firstly, we established a mission and brand statement for the organisation to get behind. From there, we created a language protocol that reflected the organisation’s ambitions to bring the community to work together “with pride”. In turn, this meant we renamed the organisation and subsequent events and campaigns to reflect that value.
The Logo is designed to be used both individually and in conjunction with additional elements. Gone is the traditional pride rainbow stripes, replaced with a gradient version that is more fitting with the idea of strength in numbers than with the idea of belonging to a certain community.
The font is adjusted to “stand up with pride” then a range of “highlighting” devices are added and adapted, depending on the campaign.