
Graphic image for A Better Planet blog post "Where Does Our recycling Really Go?"

Where Does Our Recycling Really Go?

By Stuart Bennett | November 19, 2020

Many of us diligently sort our recyclable waste into whichever coloured bin, bag or box our local councils have given us.  It’s become part of the daily routine and makes us feel like we’re doing our bit.  Our unwanted plastic, glass, cans and paper head off to be sorted, processed and turned into something new,…

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The Fast Fashion Problem: From Catwalk to Landfill

By Stuart Bennett | November 9, 2020

As each of us scrabbles around trying to do our bit as individuals to tackle the climate emergency, ‘Fast Fashion’ is a term which has found its way into our vocabularies in recent years.  So, what is it?  And what’s the problem?  We wanted to take a closer look in this, our latest blog. Defining…

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Fighting Climate Change with Pedal Power

By Stuart Bennett | November 5, 2020

Spending hours stuck in traffic on the daily commute.  The never ending stop-start and engines sat idling.  Ever-increasing amounts of smog in the air. Why are these experiences so common? Because when many of the roads we use today were built, they were never intended to accommodate as many cars as they do today.  However,…

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England’s Ban On Single-Use Plastic Items: A Good Start

By Stuart Bennett | October 20, 2020

Since 1 October 2020 businesses in England can no longer supply single-use straws, cotton buds and drink stirrers to end-users (the ones who actually use the product). The change is designed to address the devastating impact that single-use plastics are having on our environment. There’s no denying this is a step in the right direction.  But…

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An Empty Planet?

By Stuart Bennett | October 1, 2020

An Empty Planet? The annual migration of vast herds of wildebeest across the Serengeti is one of nature’s greatest wonders and a sight to behold. Indeed, it has been the bread and butter of many wildlife documentaries over the years.  However, the sad truth is that wildlife in these numbers could soon become a thing…

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The Sustainable Economy, the Just Transition and Covid-19

By Stuart Bennett | September 23, 2020

As we continue to tackle the pandemic, there’s another health crisis we must face head-on – that of our planet. The California wildfires raging right now, along with other recent warning signs, make that abundantly clear. However, whilst our action on climate change must be swift and decisive, we must ensure workers in polluting industries…

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Simple everyday changes to reduce our carbon footprint and help the environment

By Stuart Bennett | August 13, 2020

We have all heard about some mindful behaviours that we can implement throughout our day to lessen the impact we have on the environment – turn off the lights when you are not in the room, turn off the tap whilst you’re brushing your teeth, don’t leave the heating on when nobody is in the…

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If ONE project encapsulates what we’re all about…

By Stuart Bennett | April 20, 2020

When we first discussed setting up A Better Planet, it was with the intention of supporting predominantly environmental groups with their branding and communications. The truth is: things simply aren’t that black and white. When I visited Preston New Road’s fracking site to meet the most amazing protestors and seek their advice on our campaign…

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It was the worst of times; it was the best of times?

By Stuart Bennett | April 6, 2020

Well, what a time to be launching a brand-new initiative. And what a time, full stop. We, like you, are slowly, no quickly, coming to terms with the ever-changing landscape, this brave new world and are working out just what it means for our business, our ‘parent’ business Creation ADM (actually, they’re more of a…

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